
Subject: Child fare on buses

Greetings to you Metswalle

It has come to our attention that there are misunderstandings with regards to what fare to pay when a child boards a bus. Previously we made use of a child height indicator which continues to raise disputes. After careful consideration on how to resolve this dispute, we wish to inform you of the following company resolutions that will be effective immediately.

  1. All children above the age of three (3) years and below the age of five (5) years will pay a child fare.
  2. All children who are Six (6) years of age will pay full fare.
  3. All scholars in uniform who attend school out of their residential area will pay full fare.
  4. All scholars in uniform who attend school within their residential area will pay a local fare (Internal fare)
  5. All children at the age of three (3) years and below the age of five (5) years should be accompanied by their parents / guardians.
  6. Parents / Guardians should produce evidence of the age of the child in order to enjoy the reduced fare allocated to children aged between three (3) years and below the age of five (5)
  7. All children below Three (3) will be permitted to board free of charge provided there is evidence provided to the driver.
  8. Our Drivers and Ticket Examiners are also briefed about these resolutions and will request proof of children age at all times.


The Department of Transport subsidizes the working community when making use of public transport. The Department of Education has provided scholar transport subsidy with the schools.


Thank you for your cooperation and for your continued support.


Motswalle Wa Hao